Monday, 18 March 2013

Evaluation Task 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Audience plays the key ingredient when the film gets distributed. I have come up with an idea for the target audience to whom our film "Equinox" will appeal. Since we want to get as many movie goers as we can, it is important to advertise our film not only to our target audience but to other individuals also who have different characteristics and/or personality.

This is Mike. He is a junior at a university. In his free time, he likes to play video games in his dorm and go out to watch sci-fi films with his friends. He loves technology and considers Bill Gates "the greatest man alive". He also likes to read books on Conspiracy theories and in his university he is a member of a "Who's watching who" club which discusses variety of those theories. Adam is young, smart, curious and he cannot wait to watch our film "Equinox".

The real example of Mike would be my friend Louis

   - Louis's favorite film is a sci-fi "District 9" which has conspiracy elements in it.
   - He is a student in Caltech university and in his spear time he attends clubs which concern complicity.
   - He also loves technology like his iPad.

Here is an example of our secondary audience

This is Dan. He is in his mid thirties, he works in a business company and has a family. To relive stress from work and family, he occasionally enjoys watching films. Sci-fi is his favorite genre and "The Insider" is his favorite film. There are a lot of similarities which can be drawn from The Insider and our film Equinox. They are both about conspiracy theories and they also have a lot of suspense and mystery that Dan likes. Another hobby of Dan's may include the social media. He particularly likes Facebook and Twitter.

                                                                                                  A real example of Dan would be Adam.

    -  His favorite film is "Monsters" which has an alien invasion plot.
    - He loves watching sci-films at home in his spear time.
    - He likes social media websites, Twitter in particular


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