Rough Cut Evaluation

For the past week, we
as a group have been working on finishing the rough cut for our music video
“Trouble In the West”. The whole process hasn’t been easy as I am still learning
how to operate Final Cut Pro Program but with every practice I feel more
confident about my editing skills. As of right now, I am content with the pace
of our music video and the length of the shots we have chosen as it goes well
with the beat of the song. Also the set which was designed in the studio looked
great on camera and goes with the narrative perfectly. The difficulty for me
personally is to fill in the gaps which occur during the “party” scene as I am
a little concerned that they will look repetitive and will bore the audience.
When comparing our rough cut video to our storyboard, there aren’t many
significant changes but during the office segment, we had to change the idea of
Mr. Fox lifting and flipping the desk to him just throwing papers because in
real life, the desk was much bigger and just impossible to lift. After we will
be done filling those gaps in the video, we will move to completing special
effects and switching that green-screen background to the forest at nighttime in
order to represent Mr. Fox’s surroundings and set the scene.

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