On Friday we presented our animatic to James, Luke, Mat and the whole class. Animatic was a necessary process as this way the whole group has a clear idea of the action sequence and it will just be simpler when the shooting day arrives as you wont need to spend hours planning the location and the shots. It is also a great way to see what elements do/ don't work well and need changing. One of the positive comments we received was the fact that the editing of shots was well incorporated with the music and that the drawings were clear but Luke’s main worry is that our storyline in the video is too narrative and he suggested that some scenes like the delivery should be cut out. This weakness is definitely something that should be taken into consideration and maybe in order for our music video to not be as fictive, we need to cross-cut the scenes more mixing the cave moments with Mr Fox running for his revenge.The performance in the cave and Mr. Fox’s home will definitely be kept in our final product as it plays a key role in constructing the star image. In terms of target audience, I believe that our images were self-explanatory and drawn very clearly by Bee. It will make more sense once we film it. One of the most useful lessons I learned was how important it is to cut the shots right where the music drops as it will make a difference in a storyline.
As a whole, Elizabeth, the blog is developing very effectively to be a comprehensive record of your pre-production process. Your account of the animatic is not as full as it should be: there should be a more detailed section on the role of storyboarding and its function, along with a greater sense of how the feedback you achieved might influence future decision making on this project.