Sunday, 4 November 2012

Final Idea for the opening sequence of thriller

Last week my group and I finally completed the script for our opening sequence. We thought of the conspiracy theory that was perfect for the ending of our sequence: Area 51. It is both mysterious and spooky which is exactly what we need. So the film starts with normal guy is in an empty parking lot He is waiting in his “Nissan type” car for something to happen. He knows that there is an event which is going to happen at the specific time any minute now. From the overview of his car we can see that he pretty much lives in his car. His blanket, bunch of food leftovers, all those objects indicate that he spends his life on the road chasing “something”. Very important maneuver is that in the passenger seat next to him the camera zooms on a pile books on conspiracy theories which feeds the audience with more detail about our mysterious character. He waits for that event in anticipation, tries to switch a radio to get more relaxed but no matter what channel he turns he cannot find signal. He looks at his watch, its ticking rapidly as the tension builds up. The time has come and the character leaves his car, walks steadily straight, counting the amount of steps he makes. He finally reaches “the spot”. The character knows that there is a specific invisible barrier that prevents him from going through so therefore he tries to push the gravity of it with his both hands, when he is finally able to “break that invisible barrier” and open the portal, it leads him to “Area 51”. We know this because the scenery is as “deserty” as the Nevada since the Area 51 is based in there and also there is a sign that says “ WARNING Area 51”. He puts his oxygen mask on and makes his way to the area, the portal closes but the camera is still fixated on the disappearing figure that is now lost in the desert scenery. This idea was heavily inspired by my favorite film "Donnie Darko". This idea was approved by Matt, one of the Media Studies teachers and we cannot wait to shoot our sequence! I have a feeling its going to be great.

The part that inspired me from Donnie Darko

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